Guardians or Vigilantes? The Perils of Personal Vendettas in Security Forces

The CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur’s assault on Kangna should be condemned in unequivocal terms. It is very unfortunate that CISF did not do any background checks before deploying its staff in security installments. BJP has recently allotted CISF the task of providing security to the parliament complex. Imagine this same constable having access to India’s top leadership. In this case, Kangna was fortunate that CISF did not provide weapons to all constables deployed at the airport security. The assualter was in the baggage handling area. The actions of Kulwinder have also brought disrepute to the CISF, a paramilitary force that has made an immense contribution by providing security to crucial installations of national importance.  

Kangna is a Membe of Parliament from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. An attack on her by an on-duty constable in an official dress with the intention to incur physical injury is a punishable offence. This matter cannot be brushed aside merely by launching internal inquiry. It is quite possible that Kulwinder Kaur, who might be mentally ill as well, was recorded as yelling at the shocked passengers as to why she attacked Kangna. It is also important to note that the job in security forces is not easy. They have longer hours and low pay, working in places like airports requires a high concentration level, and the job can be physically very demanding for female constables. All these factors might have contributed to her stress levels.

Though she claimed that she was enraged by the comments made by Kangna almost a year back about women protestors. Kangna reportedly said women who participated in farm protests were paid 100 rupees. It is a very common charge in India that politicians hurl at each other. Politicians often claim that their opponents have paid the money to assemble a crowd in political rallies or protests. This remark is often used against women because the participation of females in the workforce is low. Most of the women stay at home doing only household chores. 

During political campaigns and rallies, political parties pay money to women for campaigning within their localities, particularly during assembly elections, as every vote matters. Why was that CISF constable so enraged by a remark used so commonly? Strangely enough, even Shashi Tharoor accused his opponent during the general elections in 2024 of distributing money to voters while trailing with 23000 votes, though later on, he recovered the losses in certain areas and won the election by the margin of 16000 votes. 

It is important to note that the BJP government repealed the farm laws in September 2023. The most dangerous part is that some are rejoicing at the attack on Kangna and indirectly encouraging the attacker. Singer Vishal Dadlani is one of them who announced that if the security forces fired the constable, he would give her a job. An FIR should be filed against him. Everyone needs to understand security forces are the largest employer in India. If each security personnel decided to deliver justice based on perceived personal political grievances or take revenge on celebrities, famous public intellectuals, or other known faces in the media, then it would harm the opponents of nationalist political outfits more, particularly it would harm members of the left-liberal ecosystem in India. 

Each person who works in the security forces must be disciplined with proper training and support. CISF deploys staff to the airport to secure the airport and provide protection to passengers. If security forces started attacking famous public figures at the airport, who they might have seen on TV airing unpopular opinions that they might not agree with, then it would become a nightmare for India. 

There are many prisoners in India. Many of them have been locked on the charges of anti-national activity. What if security forces deployed to guard the prison decide to act on their own and start assaulting prisoners jailed for anti-national activities? Irrespective of the political differences with the BJP, every Indian must condemn the assault on Kangna. The constable Kulwinder Kaur has brought disrepute to countless men and women serving in CISF who protect and ensure the safety of millions of passengers using airports across the country.

[Mukesh Devrari]


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