Guardians or Vigilantes? The Perils of Personal Vendettas in Security Forces
The CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur’s assault on Kangna should be condemned in unequivocal terms. It is very unfortunate that CISF did not do any background checks before deploying its staff in security installments. BJP has recently allotted CISF the task of providing security to the parliament complex. Imagine this same constable having access to India’s top leadership. In this case, Kangna was fortunate that CISF did not provide weapons to all constables deployed at the airport security. The assualter was in the baggage handling area. The actions of Kulwinder have also brought disrepute to the CISF, a paramilitary force that has made an immense contribution by providing security to crucial installations of national importance. Kangna is a Membe of Parliament from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. An attack on her by an on-duty constable in an official dress with the intention to incur physical injury is a punishable offence. This matter cannot be brushed aside merely by launching in...